* Not comprehensive
George Barna, Fish Out of Water (Integrity); Henry Cloud, Nine Things You Simply Must Do (Integrity); Henry Cloud and John Townsend, It’s Not My Fault (Integrity); Bill Dyment and Marcus Dayhoff, Fire Your Excuses (Quincy Bay Press); Tricia Goyer, Life Interrupted (Zondervan); Tim

LaHaye, Anger Is a Choice (Zondervan); Becky Tirabassi, Keep the Change (Integrity); John Townsend, Who’s Pushing Your Buttons (Integrity); Pat Williams, The Paradox of Power (Warner)
David A. Anderson, Multicultural Ministry (Zondervan); Jeffrey Arnold, The Big Book of Small Groups (IVP); George Barna, Think Like Jesus (Integrity); Tamara Buchan, Seeking the Christmas Lamb (NavPress); Mark Dowds and Jason Boucher, Experiencing Life (NavPress); Mark Dowds, Exploring

Christianity (NavPress); Mark Dowds, Following Jesus (NavPress); Daily Guideposts (Guidepost Books); Love, Mercy, and Grace: True Stories of God’s Amazing Care (Guidepost Books); Randall J. Harris, The Contemporaries Meet the Classics on the Holy Spirit (Howard); Heaven Sent: More than Coincidence (Guideposts Books); James Houston, The Mentored Life (NavPress); Billy Kennedy, Reaching Out (NavPress); Karol Ladd, Power of a Positive Mom Devotional (Howard); Alistair Mackenzie and Wayne Kirkland, Where Is God On Monday? (NavPress); Janet Holm McHenry, PrayerWalk (WaterBrook); Miles McPherson, DO Something! Make Your Life Count (Baker); Bruce L. Petersen, Shepherd (Beacon Hill of Kansas City); Kathie Reimer and Lisa Whittle, 7 Hardest Things God Asks a Woman to Do (Shepherd Press); Alvin F. Kimel, Ed., This Is My Name Forever (IVP)

George Barna, Revolutionary Parenting (Tyndale); Trish Berg, Rattled (Multnomah); Harold Burchett, Last Light (NavPress); Todd Cartmell, Handbook of Everyday Childhood Problems (Zondervan); Jane Jarrell, Secrets of a Midlife Mom (NavPress); Marianne Niefert, Dr. Mom’s Prescription for
Preschoolers (Zondervan); Sheri Rose Shepherd, Mighty Warrior (Multnomah); Charles Stone and Heather Stone, Daughters Gone Wild—Dads Gone Crazy (W Publishing); Dave and Jan Stoop, Better than Ever: 7 Secrets of Great Marriages (Meredith Books); Kay Marshall Strom and Dan Kline, Savvy Couples’ Guide to Marry After 35 (IVP)
Bioethics and the Post-Christian Society (Eerdmans); Jerry Boykin and Lynn Vincent, Never Surrender (FaithWords); Charles Colson, The Sky Is Not Falling (Worthy); Chula Vista Centennial: A Century
of People and Progress (Sunbelt Publications); Anthony Diekema, Academic Freedom, Worldview, and Christian Colleges (Eerdmans); Ralph Reed, Awakening (Worthy); Shandel Slaten, Clarity (Lamp Post Publishing); Steve Turner, Imagine (IVP)

Carolyne Aarsen, Before the Dawn (Home to Heather Creek series, Guidepost Books); Robert Elmer, Circle of Grace (Home to Heather Creek series, Guidepost Books); Doris Elaine Fell, Trumpet at Twisp (Howard); Jean Ferris, Much Ado About Grubstake (Harcourt); Darlene Franklin, Pride's Fall
(Barbour); Tricia Goyer, Sweet September (Home to Heather Creek series, Guidepost Books); Lisa Harris, Recipe for Murder (Barbour); Cynthia Hickey, Candy-Coated Secrets (Barbour); Cynthia Hickey, Fudge-Laced Felonies (Barbour); Carolyn Jess-Cooke, Guardian Angel's Journal (Guidepost Books); LT Kodzo, Dead Things, LT Kodzo, The CenterLinda Kozer, A Tisket A Casket (Barbour); Linda Kozer, Just Desserts (Barbour); Dana Mentink, Fog Up Finny's Nose; Dana Mentink, Treasure Under Finny's Nose; Dana Mentink, Trouble Up Finny’s Nose (Barbour); Kathryn Reiss, Blackthorn Winter (Harcourt); Gary Soto, Mercy on These Teenage Chimps (Harcourt); Sowell/Franklin/Davis/Mowery, Christmas at Barncastle Inn (Barbour); Sowell/Butman/Conroy/Devine, Cherry Blossom Capers (Barbour); Gregory Spencer, The Welkening (Howard); Janice Thompson, The Wedding Caper (Barbour); Tearoom Mysteries, a Guideposts Books series (multiple authors)
INTERVIEW: "Leaders by Design: Preparing Your Church for Its Highest Priority,” (on Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck's book, Designed to Lead: The Church and Leadership Development), Outreach Magazine, September/October 2017
SPECIAL REPORT: "The Bible and the Church" (Biblical Illiteracy in the Church) Outreach Magazine, May/June 2017
INTERVIEW: "Os Guinness: The Art of Christian Persuasion, " Outreach Magazine, March/April 2016
SPECIAL REPORT: "The State of Church Planting Today," Outreach Magazine, July-August 2016.
INTERVIEW: "Sergio De La Mora: Turning the Hearts of a New Generation," Outreach Magazine interview, Special Issue: The 2015 Outreach 100.
Section Editor, B2B U-T, a weekly four-page tab of business-to-business articles inside the U-T San Diego (October 2013-July 2014).
Copywriter, the Rock Church San Diego; helped develop a line of apparel and provided branding content; fund-raising/marketing collateral (2009-2010).
Miscellaneous Work
"Heaven became real: How a skeptical author came to believe a little boy," Refreshed, April 2014
"C Is for Comics," YouthWorker, Feb. 29, 2008, on ComicCon San Diego.
"Mobile blessings," World Magazine May 17, 2008, a profile of Free Wheelchair Mission.

“Lost Boys of Sudan graduate,”Christian Examiner, July 2007, on the first Lost Boys of Sudan in San Diego County to graduate from college.
For Compassion and Culture, a newsletter of the Capital Research Center, organizational profiles of:
• Equip, business ministry renamed rēp, with a long “e” (Feb. 2007)
• Heart to Heart International, a medical disaster relief group (Nov. 2006)
• The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (April 2006).
For BISHOP’s magazine, The Bishop’s School in La Jolla CA:
• “Creating a Legacy,” pp. 18-19, Spring/Summer 2007
• “Bishop’s Profile,” pp. 14-15, Fall/Winter 2006
• “Return to House of Angels,” pp.22-23, Fall/Winter 2006
• “Tom Tarentino: Coach for Life,” pp. 8-9, Spring/Summer 2006
• “Bridget Kyle,” pp. 16-17, Fall/Winter 2005
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